- The quality and productivity achieved in a software project depends on the process used for executing the project. Due to this, processes form the heart of software engineering.
- A process is the set of activities that are performed in some order so that the desired results will be achieved. A process model is a general process specification which has been found to be best suited for some situations.
- A software process consists of many different component processes, most important being the development process and the project management process.
- Development process focuses on how the software is to be engineered. There are many different process models, each being well suited for some type of problems.
- The waterfall model is conceptually the simplest model of software development, where the requirement, design, coding, and testing phases are performed in linear progression. It has been very widely used, and is suitable for well-understood problems.
- In the prototyping model, a prototype is built before building the final system, which is used to further develop the requirements leading to more stable requirements. This is useful for projects where requirements are not clear.
- In the iterative development model, software is developed in iterations, each iteration resulting in a working software system. This model does not require all requirements to be known at the start, allows feedback from earlier iterations for next ones, and reduces risk as it delivers value as the project proceeds.
- In RUP, a project is executed in a sequence of four phases—inception, elaboration, construction, and transition, each ending in a defined milestone. A phase may itself be done iteratively. The subprocesses of requirements, design, coding, testing, etc. are considered as active throughout the project, though their intensity varies from phase to phase. RUP is a flexible framework which can allow a project to follow a traditional waterfall if it wants to, or allow prototyping, if it so wishes.
- In the timeboxing model, the different iterations are of equal time duration, and are divided into equal length stages. There is a committed team for each stage of an iteration. The different iterations are then executed in a pipelined manner, with each dedicated team working on its stage but for different iterations. As multiple iterations are concurrently active, this model reduces the average completion time of each iteration and hence is useful in situations where short cycle time is highly desirable.
- Agile approaches to development are based on some key principles like developing software in small iterations, working system as the measure of progress, and allowing change at any time. In extreme programming (XP) approach, a project starts with short user stories, details of which are obtained in the iteration in which they are implemented. In an iteration, development is done by programmer-pairs, following the practices of testdriven development, frequent integration, and having simple designs which are refactored when needed.
- The project management process focuses on planning and controlling the development process and consists of three major phases—planning, monitoring and control, and termination analysis. Much of project management revolvesaround the project plan, which is produced during the planning phase.
Monday, February 22, 2010
2.5 Summary
2.4 Project Management Process
While the selection of the development process decides the phases and tasks to be done, it does not specify things like how long each phase should last, or how many resources should be assigned to a phase, or how a phase should be monitored. And quality and productivity in the project will also depend critically on these decisions. To meet the cost, quality, and schedule objectives, resources have to be properly allocated to each activity for the project, and progress of different activities has to be monitored and corrective actions taken when needed. All these activities are part of the project management process. Hence, a project management process is necessary to ensure that the engineering process ends up meeting the real-world objectives of cost, schedule, and quality.
The project management process specifies all activities that need to be done by the project management to ensure that cost and quality objectives are met. Its basic task is to ensure that, once a development process is chosen, it is implemented optimally. That is, the basic task is to plan the detailed implementation of the process for the particular project and then ensure that the plan is properly executed. For a large project, a proper management process is essential for success.
2.3.7 Using Process Models in a Project
We have seen many different development process models. What is the need for the different models? As mentioned earlier, while developing (industrial strength) software, the purpose is not only to develop software to satisfy the needs of some users or clients, but we want that the project be done in low cost and cycle time, and deliver high-quality software. In addition, there could be other constraints in a project that the project may need to satisfy. Hence, given the constraints of the project, we would like to employ the process model that is likely to maximize the chances of delivering the software, and achieve the highest Q&P. Hence, selecting a suitable development process model for a project is a key decision that a project manager has to take. Let us illustrate this by a few examples.
Suppose a small team of developers has been entrusted with the task of building a small auction site for a local university. The university administration is willing to spend some time at the start to help develop the requirements, but it is expected that their availability will be limited later. The team has been given 4 months to finish the project, and an extension of the deadline seems very improbable. It also seems that the auction site will have some features that are essential, but will also have some features that are desirable but without which the system can function reasonably well.
2.3.6 Extreme Programming and Agile Processes
Agile development approaches evolved in the 1990s as a reaction to documentation and bureaucracy-based processes, particularly the waterfall approach. Agile approaches are based on some common principles, some of which are [www.extremeprogramming.org]:
- Working software is the key measure of progress in a project.
- For progress in a project, therefore, software should be developed and delivered rapidly in small increments.
- Even late changes in the requirements should be entertained (small-increment model of development helps in accommodating them).
- Face-to-face communication is preferred over documentation.
- Continuous feedback and involvement of customer is necessary for developing good-quality software.
- Simple design which evolves and improves with time is a better approach than doing an elaborate design up front for handling all possible scenarios.
- The delivery dates are decided by empowered teams of talented individuals (and are not dictated).
2.3.5 Timeboxing Model
To speed up development, parallelism between the different iterations can be employed. That is, a new iteration commences before the system produced by the current iteration is released, and hence development of a new release happens in parallel with the development of the current release. By starting an iteration before the previous iteration has completed, it is possible to reduce the average delivery time for iterations. However, to support parallel execution, each iteration has to be structured properly and teams have to be organized suitably. The timeboxing model proposes an approach for these [60, 59].
In the timeboxing model, the basic unit of development is a time box, which is of fixed duration. Since the duration is fixed, a key factor in selecting the requirements or features to be built in a time box is what can be fit into the time box. This is in contrast to regular iterative approaches where the functionality is selected and then the time to deliver is determined. Timeboxing changes the perspective of development and makes the schedule a nonnegotiable and a high-priority commitment.
2.3.4 Rational Unified Process
Rational Unified Process (RUP) [51, 63] is another iterative process model that was designed by Rational, now part of IBM. Though it is a general process model, it was designed for object-oriented development using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). (We will discuss these topics in a later chapter).
RUP proposes that development of software be divided into cycles, each cycle delivering a fully working system. Generally, each cycle is executed as a separate project whose goal is to deliver some additional capability to an existing system (built by the previous cycle). Hence, for a project, the process for a cycle forms the overall process. Each cycle itself is broken into four consecutive phases:
- Inception phase
- Elaboration phase
- Construction phase
- Transition phase
2.3.3 Iterative Development
The iterative development process model counters the third and fourth limitations of the waterfall model and tries to combine the benefits of both prototyping and the waterfall model. The basic idea is that the software should be developed in increments, each increment adding some functional capability to the system until the full system is implemented.
The iterative enhancement model [4] is an example of this approach. In the first step of this model, a simple initial implementation is done for a subset of the overall problem. This subset is one that contains some of the key aspects of the problem that are easy to understand and implement and which form a useful and usable system. A project control list is created that contains, in order, all the tasks that must be performed to obtain the final implementation. This project control list gives an idea of how far along the project is at any given step from the final system.
2.3.2 Prototyping
The goal of a prototyping-based development process is to counter the first limitation of the waterfall model. The basic idea here is that instead of freezing the requirements before any design or coding can proceed, a throwaway prototype is built to help understand the requirements. This prototype is developed based on the currently known requirements. Development of the prototype obviously undergoes design, coding, and testing, but each of these phases is not done very formally or thoroughly. By using this prototype, the client can get an actual feel of the system, which can enable the client to better understand the requirements of the desired system. This results in more stable requirements that change less frequently.
Prototyping is an attractive idea for complicated and large systems for which there is no manual process or existing system to help determine the requirements. In such situations, letting the client “play” with the prototype provides invaluable and intangible inputs that help determine the requirements for the system. It is also an effective method of demonstrating the feasibility of a certain approach. This might be needed for novel systems, where it is not clear that constraints can be met or that algorithms can be developed to implement the requirements. In both situations, the risks associated with the projects are being reduced through the use of prototyping. The process model of the prototyping approach is shown in Figure 2.4.
2.3.1 Waterfall Model
The simplest process model is the waterfall model, which states that the phases are organized in a linear order. The model was originally proposed by Royce [74], though variations of the model have evolved depending on the nature of activities and the flow of control between them. In this model, a project begins with feasibility analysis. Upon successfully demonstrating the feasibility of a project, the requirements analysis and project planning begins. The design starts after the requirements analysis is complete, and coding begins after the design is complete. Once the programming is completed, the code is integrated and testing is done. Upon successful completion of testing, the system is installed. After this, the regular operation and maintenance of the system takes place. The model is shown in Figure 2.3.
2.3 Software Development Process Models
For the software development process, the goal is to produce a high-quality software product. It therefore focuses on activities directly related to production of the software, for example, design, coding, and testing. As the development process specifies the major development and quality control activities that need to be performed in the project, it forms the core of the software process. The management process is often decided based on the development process.
A project’s development process defines the tasks the project should perform, and the order in which they should be done. A process limits the degrees of freedom for a project by specifying what types of activities must be undertaken and in what order, such that the “shortest” (or the most efficient) path is obtained from the user needs to the software satisfying these needs. The process drives a project and heavily influences the outcome.
2.2 Component Software Processes
As defined above, a process is the sequence of steps executed to achieve a goal. Since many different goals may have to be satisfied while developing software, multiple processes are needed. Many of these do not concern software engineering, though they do impact software development. These could be considered nonsoftware process. Business processes, social processes, and training processes are all examples of processes that come under this. These processes also affect the software development activity but are beyond the purview of software engineering.
The processes that deal with the technical and management issues of software development are collectively called the software process. As a software project will have to engineer a solution and properly manage the project, there are clearly two major components in a software process—a development process and a project management process. The development process specifies all the engineering activities that need to be performed, whereas the management process specifies how to plan and control these activities so that cost, schedule, quality, and other objectives are met. Effective development and project management processes are the key to achieving the objectives of delivering the desired software satisfying the user needs, while ensuring high productivity and quality.
2.1 Process and Project
A process is a sequence of steps performed for a given purpose [52]. As mentioned earlier, while developing (industrial strength) software, the purpose is to develop software to satisfy the needs of some users or clients, as shown in Figure 2.1. A software project is one instance of this problem, and the development process is what is used to achieve this purpose.
Figure 2.1: Basic problem.
2. Software Processes
Now that we have a better understanding of the problem domain that software engineering deals with, let us orient our discussion to software engineering itself. Software engineering is defined as the systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance, and retirement of software [52].
We have seen that besides delivering software, high quality, low cost, and low cycle time are also goals which software engineering must achieve. In other words, the systematic approach must help achieve a high quality and productivity (Q&P). In software, the three main factors that influence Q&P are people, processes, and technology. That is, the final quality delivered and productivity achieved depends on the skills of the people involved in the software project, the processes people use to perform the different tasks in the project, and the tools they use.
1.3 Summary
- The problem domain for software engineering is industrial-strength software. This software is meant to solve some problem of some set of users, and is expected to be of high quality.
- In this problem domain, cost, schedule, and quality are basic driving forces. Hence, methods and tools that will be used for solving problems in this domain must ensure high productivity and high quality.
- Productivity is measured as amount of output per unit of input resource. In software, output can be measured in terms of lines of code delivered, and as human time is the main resource, input can be measured as person-months. Productivity can therefore be measured as lines of code delivered per person-month.
- Software quality has many attributes which include functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability. Reliability is often considered as the main quality attribute, and as unreliability in software is due to defects in the software, quality can be characterized by number of defects per thousand lines of code.
- The problems in this domain often tend to be very large and where the needs of the customers change fast. Hence the techniques used for developing industrial-strength software should be such that they are capable of building large software systems, and have the capability to handle changes.
1.2 Scale and Change
Though cost, schedule, and quality are the main driving forces for a project in our problem domain (of industry strength software), there are some other characteristics of the problem domain that also influence the solution approaches employed. We focus on two such characteristics—scale and change.
Most industrial-strength software systems tend to be large and complex, requiring tens of thousands of lines of code. Sizes of some of the well-known software products are given in Table 1.1. As can be expected, development of a large system requires a different set of methods compared to developing a small system, as the methods that are used for developing small systems often do not scale up to large systems. An example will illustrate this point. Consider the problem of counting people in a room versus taking a census of a country. Both are essentially counting problems. But the methods used for counting people in a room will just not work when taking a census. A different set of methods will have to be used for conducting a census, and the census problem will require considerably more management, organization, and validation, in addition to counting.
1.1 Cost, Schedule, and Quality
Though the need for high quality distinguishes industrial strength software from others, cost and schedule are other major driving forces for such software. In the industrial-strength software domain, there are three basic forces at play—cost, schedule, and quality. The software should be produced at reasonable cost, in a reasonable time, and should be of good quality. These three parameters often drive and define a software project.
Industrial-strength software is very expensive primarily due to the fact that software development is extremely labor-intensive. To get an idea of the costs involved, let us consider the current state of practice in the industry. Lines of code (LOC) or thousands of lines of code (KLOC) delivered is by far the most commonly used measure of software size in the industry. As the main cost of producing software is the manpower employed, the cost of developing software is generally measured in terms of person-months of effort spent in development. And productivity is frequently measured in the industry in terms of LOC (or KLOC) per person-month.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
1. The Software Problem
Ask any student who has had some programming experience the following question: You are given a problem for which you have to build a software system that most students feel will be approximately 10,000 lines of (say C or Java) code. If you are working full time on it, how long will it take you to build this system?
The answer of students is generally 1 to 3 months. And, given the programming expertise of the students, there is a good chance that they will be able to build the software and demo it to the professor within 2 months. With 2 months as the completion time, the productivity of the student will be 5000 lines of code (LOC) per person-month.