
Thursday, April 15, 2010

5.2 Architecture Views

There is a general view emerging that there is no unique architecture of a system. The definition that we have adopted (given above) also expresses this sentiment. Consequently, there is no one architecture drawing of the system. The situation is similar to that of civil construction, a discipline that is the original user of the concept of architecture and from where the concept of software architecture has been borrowed. For a building, if you want to see the floor plan, you are shown one set of drawings. If you are an electrical engineer and want to see how the electricity distribution has been planned, you will be shown another set of drawings. And if you are interested in safety and firefighting, another set of drawings is used. These drawings are not independent of each other—they are all about the same building. However, each drawing provides a di erent view of the building, a view that focuses on explaining one aspect of the building and tries to a good job at that, while not divulging much about the other aspects. And no one drawing can express all the di erent
aspects—such a drawing will be too complex to be of any use.
Similar is the situation with software architecture. In software, the di erent drawings are called views. A view represents the system as composed of some types of elements and relationships between them. Which elements are used by a view, depends on what the view wants to highlight. Di ferent views expose dif erent properties and attributes, thereby allowing the stakeholders and analysts to properly evaluate those attributes for the system. By focusing only on some aspects of the system, a view reduces the complexity that a reader has to deal with at a time, thereby aiding system understanding and analysis.

5.1 Role of Software Architecture

What is architecture? Generally speaking, architecture of a system provides a very high level view of the parts of the system and how they are related to form the whole system. That is, architecture partitions the system in logical parts such that each part can be comprehended independently, and then describes the system in terms of these parts and the relationship between these parts.
Any complex system can be partitioned in many di erent ways, each providing a useful view and each having di erent types of logical parts. The same holds true for a software system—there is no unique structure of the system that can be described by its architecture; there are many possible structures.

5. Software Architecture

Any complex system is composed of subsystems that interact under the control of system design such that the system provides the expected behavior. When designing such a system, therefore, the logical approach is to identify the subsystems that should compose the system, the interfaces of these subsystems, and the rules for interaction between the subsystems. This is what software architecture aims to do.
Software architecture is a relatively recent area. As the software systems increasingly become distributed and more complex, architecture becomes an important step in building the system. Due to a wide range of options now available for how a system may be configured and connected, carefully designing the architecture becomes very important. It is during the architecture design where choices like using some type of middleware, or some type of backend database, or some type of server, or some type of security component are made. Architecture is also the earliest place when properties like reliability and performance can be evaluated for the system, a capability that is increasingly becoming important.
In this chapter, we will discuss:
  • The key roles an architecture description plays in a software project.
  • The multiple architectural views that can be used to specify di erent structural aspects of the system being built.
  • The component and connector architecture of a system, and how it can be expressed.
  • Di erent styles that have been proposed for component and connector view that can be used to design the architecture of the proposed system.
  • How architecture of a system can be evaluated.