
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3.4.1 Basics

A software system (in our case whose requirements are being uncovered) may be used by many users, or by other systems. In use case terminology, an actor is a person or a system which uses the system for achieving some goal. Note that as an actor interacts for achieving some goal, it is a logical entity that represents a group of users (people or system) who behave in a similar manner. Different actors represent groups with different goals. So, it is better to have a “receiver” and a “sender” actor rather than having a generic “user” actor for a system in which some messages are sent by users and received by some other users.

A primary actor is the main actor that initiates a use case (UC) for achieving a goal, and whose goal satisfaction is the main objective of the use case. The primary actor is a logical concept and though we assume that the primary actor executes the use case, some agent may actually execute it on behalf of the primary actor. For example, a VP may be the primary actor for get sales growth report by region use case, though it may actually be executed by an assistant. We consider the primary actor as the person who actually uses the outcome of the use case and who is the main consumer of the goal. Time-driven trigger is another example of how a use case may be executed on behalf of the primary actor (in this situation the report is generated automatically at some time).

Note, however, that although the goal of the primary actor is the driving force behind a use case, the use case must also fulfill goals that other stakeholders might have for this use case. That is, the main goal of a use case is to describe behavior of the system that results in satisfaction of the goals of all the stakeholders, although the use case may be driven by the goals of the primary actor. For example, a use case “Withdraw money from the ATM” has a customer as its primary actor and will normally describe the entire interaction of the customer with the ATM. However, the bank is also a stakeholder of the ATM system and its goals may include that all steps are logged, money is given only if there are sufficient funds in the account, and no more than some amount is given at a time, etc. Satisfaction of these goals should also be shown by the use case “Withdraw money from the ATM.”

For describing interaction, use cases use scenarios. A scenario describes a set of actions that are performed to achieve a goal under some specified conditions. The set of actions is generally specified as a sequence (as that is the most convenient way to express it in text), though in actual execution the actions specified may be executed in parallel or in some different order. Each step in a scenario is a logically complete action performed either by the actor or the system. Generally, a step is some action by the actor (e.g., enter information), some logical step that the system performs to progress toward achieving its goals (e.g., validate information, deliver information), or an internal state change by the system to satisfy some goals (e.g., log the transaction, update the record).

A use case always has a main success scenario, which describes the interaction if nothing fails and all steps in the scenario succeed. There may be many success scenarios. Though the use case aims to achieve its goals, different situations can arise while the system and the actor are interacting which may not permit the system to achieve the goal fully. For these situations, a use case has extension scenarios which describe the system behavior if some of the steps in the main scenario do not complete successfully. Sometimes they are also called exception scenarios. A use case is a collection of all the success and extension scenarios related to the goal. The terminology of use cases is summarized in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Use case terms

To achieve the desired goal, a system can divide it into subgoals. Some of these subgoals may be achieved by the system itself, but they may also be treated as separate use cases executed by supporting actors, which may be another system. For example, suppose for verifying a user in “Withdraw money from the ATM” an authentication service is used. The interaction with this service can be treated as a separate use case. A scenario in a use case may therefore employ another use case for performing some of the tasks. In other words, use cases permit a hierarchic organization.

It should be evident that the basic system model that use cases assume is that a system primarily responds to requests from actors who use the system. By describing the interaction between actors and the system, the system behavior can be specified, and through the behavior its functionality is specified. A key advantage of this approach is that use cases focus on external behavior, thereby cleanly avoiding doing internal design during requirements, something that is desired but not easy to do with many modeling approaches.
Use cases are naturally textual descriptions, and represent the behavioral requirements of the system. This behavior specification can capture most of the functional requirements of the system. Therefore, use cases do not form the complete SRS, but can form a part of it. The complete SRS, as we have seen, will need to capture other requirements like performance and design constraints.
Though the detailed use cases are textual, diagrams can be used to supplement the textual description. For example, the use case diagram of UML provides an overview of the use cases and actors in the system and their dependency. A UML use case diagram generally shows each use case in the system as an ellipse, shows the primary actor for the use case as a stick figure connected to the use case with a line, and shows dependency between use cases by arcs between use cases. Some other relationships between use cases can also be represented. However, as use cases are basically textual in nature, diagrams play a limited role in either developing or specifying use cases. We will not discuss use case diagrams further.

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