
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3.4.4 Developing Use Cases

UCs not only document requirements, as their form is like storytelling and uses text, both of which are easy and natural with different stakeholders, they also are a good medium for discussion and brainstorming. Hence, UCs can also be used for requirements elicitation and problem analysis. While developing use cases, informal or formal models may also be built, though they are not required.

UCs can be evolved in a stepwise refinement manner with each step adding more details. This approach allows UCs to be presented at different levels of abstraction. Though any number of levels of abstraction are possible, four natural levels emerge:

  • Actors and goals. The actor-goal list enumerates the use cases and specifies the actors for each goal. (The name of the use case is generally the goal.) This table may be extended by giving a brief description of each of the use cases. At this level, the use cases together specify the scope of the system and give an overall view of what it does. Completeness of functionality can be assessed fairly well by reviewing these.
  • Main success scenarios. For each of the use cases, the main success scenarios are provided at this level. With the main scenarios, the system behavior for each use case is specified. This description can be reviewed to ensure that interests of all the stakeholders are met and that the use case is delivering the desired behavior.
  • Failure conditions. Once the success scenario is listed, all the possible failure conditions can be identified. At this level, for each step in the main success scenario, the different ways in which a step can fail form the failure conditions. Before deciding what should be done in these failure conditions (which is done at the next level), it is better to enumerate the failure conditions and review for completeness.
  • Failure handling. This is perhaps the most tricky and difficult part of writing a use case. Often the focus is so much on the main functionality that people do not pay attention to how failures should be handled. Determining what should be the behavior under different failure conditions will often identify new business rules or new actors.
The different levels can be used for different purposes. For discussion on overall functionality or capabilities of the system, actors and goal-level description is very useful. Failure conditions, on the other hand, are very useful for understanding and extracting detailed requirements and business rules under special cases.

These four levels can also guide the analysis activity. A step-by-step approach for analysis when employing use cases is:
Step 1. Identify the actors and their goals and get an agreement with the concerned stakeholders as to the goals. The actor-goal list will clearly define the scope of the system and will provide an overall view of what the system capabilities are.
Step 2. Understand and specify the main success scenario for each UC, giving more details about the main functions of the system. Interaction and discussion are the primary means to uncover these scenarios though models may be built, if required. During this step, the analyst may uncover that to complete some use case some other use cases are needed, which have not been identified. In this case, the list of use cases will be expanded.
Step 3. When the main success scenario for a use case is agreed upon and the main steps in its execution are specified, then the failure conditions can be examined. Enumerating failure conditions is an excellent method of uncovering special situations that can occur and which must be handled by the system.
Step 4. Finally, specify what should be done for these failure conditions. As details of handling failure scenarios can require a lot of effort and discussion, it is better to first enumerate the different failure conditions and then get the details of these scenarios. Very often, when deciding the failure scenarios, many new business rules of how to deal with these scenarios are uncovered.

Though we have explained the basic steps in developing use cases, at any step an analyst may have to go back to earlier steps as during some detailed analysis new actors may emerge or new goals and new use cases may be uncovered. That is, using use cases for analysis is also an interactive task.
What should be the level of detail in a use case? There is no one answer to a question like this; the actual answer always depends on the project and the situation. So it is with use cases. Generally it is good to have sufficient details which are not overwhelming but are sufficient to build the system and meet its quality goals. For example, if there is a small collocated team building the system, it is quite likely that use cases which list the main exception conditions and give a few key steps for the scenarios will suffice. On the other hand, for a project whose development is to be subcontracted to some other organization, it is better to have more detailed use cases.
For writing use cases, general technical writing rules apply. Use simple grammar, clearly specify who is performing the step, and keep the overall scenario as simple as possible. Also, when writing steps, for simplicity, it is better to combine some steps into one logical step, if it makes sense. For example, steps “user enters his name,” “user enters his SSN,” and “user enters his address” can be easily combined into one step “user enters personal information.”

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