
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3.6 Validation

The development of software starts with a requirements document, which is also used to determine eventually whether or not the delivered software system is acceptable. It is therefore important that the requirements specification contains no errors and specifies the client’s requirements correctly. Furthermore, as the longer an error remains undetected, the greater the cost of correcting it, it is extremely desirable to detect errors in the requirements before the design and development of the software begin.

Due to the nature of the requirements specification phase, there is a lot of room for misunderstanding and committing errors, and it is quite possible that the requirements specification does not accurately represent the client’s needs. The basic objective of the requirements validation activity is to ensure that the SRS reflects the actual requirements accurately and clearly. A related objective is to check that the SRS document is itself of good quality.

Before we discuss validation, let us consider the type of errors that typically occur in an SRS. Many different types of errors are possible, but the most common errors that occur can be classified in four types: omission, inconsistency, incorrect fact, and ambiguity. Omission is a common error in requirements. In this type of error, some user requirement is simply not included in the SRS; the omitted requirement may be related to the behavior of the system, its performance, constraints, or any other factor. Omission directly affects the external completeness of the SRS. Another common form of error in requirements is inconsistency. Inconsistency can be due to contradictions within the requirements themselves or to incompatibility of the stated requirements with the actual requirements of the client or with the environment in which the system will operate. The third common requirement error is incorrect fact. Errors of this type occur when some fact recorded in the SRS is not correct. The fourth common error type is ambiguity. Errors of this type occur when there are some requirements that have multiple meanings, that is, their interpretation is not unique.

Some projects have collected data about requirement errors. In [27] the effectiveness of different methods and tools in detecting requirement errors in specifications for a data processing application is reported. On average, a total of more than 250 errors were detected, and the percentage of different types of errors was:


In [5] the errors detected in the requirements specification of the A-7 project (which deals with a real-time flight control software) were reported. A total of about 80 errors were detected, out of which about 23% were clerical in nature. Of the remaining, the distribution with error type was:


Though the distribution of errors is different in these two cases, reflecting the difference in application domains and the error detection methods used, they do suggest that the major problems (besides clerical errors) are omission, incorrect fact, inconsistency, and ambiguity. If we take the average of the two data tables, it shows that all four classes of errors are very significant, and a good fraction of errors belong to each of these types. This implies that besides improving the quality of the SRS itself (e.g., no clerical errors), the validation should focus on uncovering these types of errors.
As requirements are generally textual documents that cannot be executed, inspections and reviews are eminently suitable for requirements validation. Consequently, inspections of the SRS, frequently called requirements review, are the most common method of validation. Because requirements specification formally specifies something that originally existed informally in people’s minds, requirements validation must involve the clients and the users. Due to this, the requirements review team generally consists of client as well as user representatives.
Requirements review is a review by a group of people to find errors and point out other matters of concern in the requirements specifications of a system. The review group should include the author of the requirements document, someone who understands the needs of the client, a person of the design team, and the person(s) responsible for maintaining the requirements document. It is also good practice to include some people not directly involved with product development, like a software quality engineer.
Although the primary goal of the review process is to reveal any errors in the requirements, such as those discussed earlier, the review process is also used to consider factors affecting quality, such as testability and readability. During the review, one of the jobs of the reviewers is to uncover the requirements that are too subjective and too difficult to define criteria for testing that requirement. During the review, the review team must go through each requirement and if any errors are there, then they discuss and agree on the nature of the error. A detailed inspection process may be used (we will discuss one such process later in Chapter 7 in the context of coding).
Requirements reviews are probably the most effective means for detecting requirement errors. The data in [5] about the A-7 project shows that about 33% of the total requirement errors detected were detected by review processes, and about 45% of the requirement errors were detected during the design phase when the requirement document is used as a reference for design. This clearly suggests that if requirements are reviewed then, not only a substantial fraction of the errors are detected by them, but a vast majority of the remaining errors are detected soon afterward in the design activity.
Though requirements reviews remain the most commonly used and viable means for requirement validation, other possibilities arise if some specialpurpose tools for modeling and analysis are used. For example, if the requirements are written in a formal specification language or a language specifically designed for machine processing, then it is possible to have tools to verify some properties of requirements. These tools will focus on checks for internal consistency and completeness, which sometimes lead to checking of external completeness. However, these tools cannot directly check for external completeness (after all, how will a tool know that some requirement has been completely omitted?). For this reason, requirements reviews are needed even if the requirements are specified through a tool or are in a formal notation.

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