
Sunday, March 21, 2010

4.7 Summary

  • Project planning serves two purposes: to set the overall goals or expectations for the project and the overall approach for managing the project, and to schedule tasks to be done such that the goals are met. In overall planning, effort and schedule estimation are done to establish the cost and schedule goals for the project as well as key milestones. Project quality planning and risk management planning establish approaches for achieving quality goals and ensuring that the project does not fail in the face of risks. In the detailed schedule, tasks for achieving each milestone are identified and scheduled to be executed by specific team members such that the overall schedule and effort for different milestones is met.
  • In a top-down approach for estimating effort for the project, the effort is estimated from the size estimate, which may be refined using other characteristics of the project. Effort for different phases is determined from the overall effort using effort distribution data. COCOMO is one model that uses this approach. In a bottom-up approach to estimation, the modules to be built are identified first, and then using an average effort for coding such modules, the overall coding effort is determined. From coding effort, effort for other phases and overall project are determined, using the effort distribution data.

4.6 Detailed Scheduling

The activities discussed so far result in a project management plan document that establishes the project goals for effort, schedule, and quality; and defines the approach for risk management, ensuring quality, and project monitoring. Now this overall plan has to be translated into a detailed action plan which can then be followed in the project, and which, if followed, will lead to a successful project. That is, we need to develop a detailed plan or schedule of what to do when such that following this plan will lead to delivering the software with expected quality and within cost and schedule. Whereas the overall planning document is typically prepared at the start of the project and is relatively static, the detailed plan is a dynamic document that reflects the current plan of the project. The detailed plan is what assigns work items to individual members of the team.

For the detailed schedule, the major phases identified during effort andbschedule estimation, are broken into small schedulable activities in a hierarchicalbmanner. For example, the detailed design phase can be broken into tasks forbdeveloping the detailed design for each module, review of each detailed design,bfixing of defects found, and so on. For each detailed task, the project managerbestimates the time required to complete it and assigns a suitable resource sobthat the overall schedule is met, and the overall effort also matches. In additionbto the engineering tasks that are the outcome of the development process, thebQC tasks identified in the quality plan, the monitoring activities defined in the monitoring plan, and the risk mitigation activities should also be scheduled.

4.5.2 Project Monitoring and Tracking

The main goal of project managers for monitoring a project is to get visibility into the project execution so that they can determine whether any action needs to be taken to ensure that the project goals are met. As project goals are in terms of effort, schedule, and quality, the focus of monitoring is on these aspects. Different levels of monitoring might be done for a project. The three main levels of monitoring are activity level, status reporting, and milestone analysis. Measurements taken on the project are employed for monitoring.

Activity-level monitoring ensures that each activity in the detailed schedule has been done properly and within time. This type of monitoring may be done daily in project team meetings or by the project manager checking the status of all the tasks scheduled to be completed on that day. A completed task is often marked as 100% complete in detailed schedule—this is used by tools like the Microsoft Project to track the percentage completion of the overall project or a higher-level task. This monitoring is to ensure that the project continues to proceed as per the planned schedule.

4.5.1 Measurements

The basic purpose of measurements in a project is to provide data to project management about the project’s current state, such that they can effectively monitor and control the project and ensure that the project goals are met. As project goals are established in terms of software to be delivered, cost, schedule, and quality, for monitoring the state of a project, size, effort, schedule, and defects are the basic measurements that are needed [43, 75]. Schedule is one of the most important metrics because most projects are driven by schedules and deadlines. Only by monitoring the actual schedule can we properly assess if the project is on time or if there is a delay. It is, however, easy to measure because calendar time is usually used in all plans.

Effort is the main resource consumed in a software project. Consequently, tracking of effort is a key activity during monitoring; it is essential for evaluating whether the project is executing within budget. For effort data some type of timesheet system is needed where each person working on the project enters the amount of time spent on the project. For better monitoring, the effort spent on various tasks should be logged separately. Generally effort is recorded through some on-line system (like the weekly activity report system in [57]), which allows a person to record the amount of time spent against a particular activity in a project. At any point, total effort on an activity can be aggregated.

4.5 Project Monitoring Plan

A project management plan is merely a document that can be used to guide the execution of a project. Even a good plan is useless unless it is properly executed. And execution cannot be properly driven by the plan unless it is monitored carefully and the actual performance is tracked against the plan.
Monitoring requires measurements to be made to assess the situation of a project. If measurements are to be taken during project execution, we must plan carefully regarding what to measure, when to measure, and how to measure. Hence, measurement planning is a key element in project planning. In addition, how the measurement data will be analyzed and reported must also be planned in advance to avoid the situation of collecting data but not knowing what to do with it. Without careful planning for data collection and its analysis, neither is likely to happen. In this section we discuss the issues of measurements and project tracking.

4.4.4 A Practical Risk Management Planning Approach

Though the concept of risk exposure is rich, a simple practical way of doing risk planning is to simply categorize risks and the impacts in a few levels and then use it for prioritization. This approach is used in many organizations. Here we discuss a simple approach used in an organization [58]. In this approach, the probability of a risk occurring is categorized as low, medium, or high. The risk impact can also be classified as low, medium, and high. With these ratings, the following simple method for risk prioritization can be specified:

4.4.3 Risk Control

The main objective of risk management is to identify the top few risk items and then focus on them. Once a project manager has identified and prioritized the risks, the top risks can be easily identified. The question then becomes what to do about them. Knowing the risks is of value only if you can prepare a plan so that their consequences are minimal—that is the basic goal of risk management.
One obvious strategy is risk avoidance, which entails taking actions that will avoid the risk altogether, like the earlier example of shifting the building site to a zone that is not earthquake-prone. For some risks, avoidance might be possible.

4.4.2 Risk Assessment

The goal of risk assessment is to prioritize the risks so that attention and resources can be focused on the more risky items. Risk identification is the first step in risk assessment, which identifies all the different risks for a particular project. These risks are project-dependent and identifying them is an exercise in envisioning what can go wrong. Methods that can aid risk identification include checklists of possible risks, surveys, meetings and brainstorming, and reviews of plans, processes, and work products [45].

Checklists of frequently occurring risks are probably the most common tool for risk identification—most organizations prepare a list of commonly occurring risks for projects, prepared from a survey of previous projects. Such a list can form the starting point for identifying risks for the current project.

4.4.1 Risk Management Concepts

Risk is defined as an exposure to the chance of injury or loss. That is, risk implies that there is a possibility that something negative may happen. In the context of software projects, negative implies that there is an adverse effect on cost, quality, or schedule. Risk management is the area that tries to ensure that the impact of risks on cost, quality, and schedule is minimal. Risk management can be considered as dealing with the possibility and actual occurrence of those events that are not “regular” or commonly expected, that is, they are probabilistic. The commonly expected events, such as people going on leave or some requirements changing, are handled by normal project management. So, in a sense, risk management begins where normal project management ends. It deals with events that are infrequent, somewhat out of the control of the project management, and which can have a major impact on the project.
Most projects have risk. The idea of risk management is to minimize the possibility of risks materializing, if possible, or to minimize the effects if risks actually materialize. For example, when constructing a building, there is a risk that the building may later collapse due to an earthquake. That is, the possibility of an earthquake is a risk. If the building is a large residential complex, then the potential cost in case the earthquake risk materializes can be enormous. This risk can be reduced by shifting to a zone that is not earthquake-prone. Alternatively, if this is not acceptable, then the effects of this risk materializing are minimized by suitably constructing the building (the approach taken in Japan and California). At the same time, if a small dumping ground is to be constructed, no such approach might be followed, as the financial and other impact of an actual earthquake on such a building is so low that it does not warrant special measures.
It should be clear that risk management has to deal with identifying the undesirable events that can occur, the probability of their occurring, and the loss if an undesirable event does occur. Once this is known, strategies can be formulated for either reducing the probability of the risk materializing or reducing the effect of risk materializing. So the risk management revolves around risk assessment and risk control.

4.4 Risk Management Planning

A software project is a complex undertaking. Unforeseen events may have an adverse impact on a project’s ability to meet the cost, schedule, or quality goals. Risk management is an attempt to minimize the chances of failure caused by unplanned events. The aim of risk management is not to avoid getting into projects that have risks but to minimize the impact of risks in the projects that are undertaken.
A risk is a probabilistic event—it may or may not occur. For this reason, we frequently have an optimistic tendency to simply not see risks or to hope that they will not occur. Social and organizational factors also may stigmatize risks and discourage clear identification of them [19]. This kind of attitude gets the project in trouble if the risk events materialize, something that is likely to happen in a large project. Not surprisingly, then, risk management is considered first among the best practices for managing large software projects [17]. It first came to the forefront with Boehm’s tutorial on risk management [11]. Since then, several books have targeted risk management for software [18, 45].

4.3 Quality Planning

Having set the goals for effort and schedule, the goal for the third key dimension of a project—quality—needs to be defined. However, unlike schedule and effort, quantified quality goal setting for a project and then planning to meet it is much harder. For effort and schedule goals, we can easily check if a detailed plan meets these goals (e.g., by seeing if the last task ends before the target date and if the sum total of effort of all tasks is less than the overall effort goal). For quality, even if we set the goal in terms of expected delivered defect density, it is not easy to plan for achieving this goal or for checking if a plan can meet these goals. Hence, often, quality goals are specified in terms of acceptance criteria— the delivered software should finally work for all the situations and test cases in the acceptance criteria. Further, there may even be an acceptance criterion on the number of defects that can be found during the acceptance testing. For example, no more than n defects are uncovered by acceptance testing.

The quality plan is the set of quality-related activities that a project plans to do to achieve the quality goal. To plan for quality, let us first understand the defect injection and removal cycle, as it is defects that determine the quality of the final delivered software.

4.2 Project Schedule and Staffing

After establishing a goal on the effort front, we need to establish the goal for delivery schedule. With the effort estimate (in person-months), it may be tempting to pick any project duration based on convenience and then fix a suitable team size to ensure that the total effort matches the estimate. However, as is well known now, person and months are not fully interchangeable in a software project. Person and months can be interchanged arbitrarily only if all the tasks in the project can be done in parallel, and no communication is needed between people performing the tasks. This is not true for software projects—there are dependencies between tasks (e.g., testing can only be done after coding is done), and a person performing some task in a project needs to communicate with others performing other tasks. As Brooks has pointed out [16], “... man and months are interchangeable only for activities that require no communication among men, like sowing wheat or reaping cotton. This is not even approximately true of software ....”
However, for a project with some estimated effort, multiple schedules (or project duration) are indeed possible. For example, for a project whose effort estimate is 56 person-months, a total schedule of 8 months is possible with 7 people. A schedule of 7 months with 8 people is also possible, as is a schedule of approximately 9 months with 6 people. (But a schedule of 1 month with 56 people is not possible. Similarly, no one would execute the project in 28 months with 2 people.) In other words, once the effort is fixed, there is some flexibility in setting the schedule by appropriately staffing the project, but this flexibility is not unlimited. Empirical data also suggests that no simple equation between effort and schedule fits well [72].

4.1.2 Bottom-Up Estimation Approach

A somewhat different approach for effort estimation is the bottom-up approach. In this approach, the project is first divided into tasks and then estimates for the different tasks of the project are obtained. From the estimates of the different tasks, the overall estimate is determined. That is, the overall estimate of the project is derived from the estimates of its parts. This type of approach is also called activity-based estimation. Essentially, in this approach the size and complexity of the project is captured in the set of tasks the project has to perform.
The bottom-up approach lends itself to direct estimation of effort; once the project is partitioned into smaller tasks, it is possible to directly estimate the effort required for them, especially if tasks are relatively small. One difficulty in this approach is that to get the overall estimate, all the tasks have to be enumerated. A risk of bottom-up methods is that one may omit some activities. Also, directly estimating the effort for some overhead tasks, such as project management, that span the project can be difficult.

4.1.1 Top-Down Estimation Approach

Although the effort for a project is a function of many parameters, it is generally agreed that the primary factor that controls the effort is the size of the project. That is, the larger the project, the greater is the effort requirement. The topdown approach utilizes this and considers effort as a function of project size. Note that to use this approach, we need to first determine the nature of the function, and then to apply the function, we need to estimate the size of the project for which effort is to be estimated.

If past productivity on similar projects is known, then it can be used as the estimation function to determine effort from the size. If productivity is P KLOC/PM, then the effort estimate for the project will be SIZE/P personmonths. Note that as productivity itself depends on the size of the project (larger projects often have lower productivity), this approach can work only if the size and type of the project are similar to the set of projects from which the productivity P was obtained (and that in the new project a similar productivity can be obtained by following a process similar to what was used in earlier projects).

4.1 Effort Estimation

For a software development project, overall effort and schedule estimates are essential prerequisites for planning the project. These estimates are needed before development is initiated, as they establish the cost and schedule goals of the project. Without these, even simple questions like “is the project late?” “are there cost overruns?” and “when is the project likely to complete?” cannot be answered. A more practical use of these estimates is in bidding for software projects, where cost and schedule estimates must be given to a potential client for the development contract. (As the bulk of the cost of software development is due to the human effort, cost can easily be determined from effort by using a suitable person-month cost value.) Effort and schedule estimates are also required for determining the staffing level for a project during different phases, for the detailed plan, and for project monitoring.
The accuracy with which effort can be estimated clearly depends on the level of information available about the project. The more detailed the information, the more accurate the estimation can be. Of course, even with all the information available, the accuracy of the estimates will depend on the effectiveness and accuracy of the estimation procedures or models employed and the process. If from the requirements specifications, the estimation approach can produce estimates that are within 20% of the actual effort about two-thirds of the time, then the approach can be considered good. Here we discuss two commonly used approaches.

4. Planning a Software Project

Planning is the most important project management activity. It has two basic objectives—establish reasonable cost, schedule, and quality goals for the project, and to draw out a plan to deliver the project goals. A project succeeds if it meets its cost, schedule, and quality goals. Without the project goals being defined, it is not possible to even declare if a project has succeeded. And without detailed planning, no real monitoring or controlling of the project is possible. Often projects are rushed toward implementation with not enough effort spent on planning. No amount of technical effort later can compensate for lack of careful planning. Lack of proper planning is a sure ticket to failure for a large software project. For this reason, we treat project planning as an independent chapter. Note that we also cover the monitoring phase of the project management process as part of planning, as how the project is to be monitored is also a part of the planning phase.

The inputs to the planning activity are the requirements specification and maybe the architecture description. A very detailed requirements document is not essential for planning, but for a good plan all the important requirements must be known, and it is highly desirable that key architecture decisions have been taken.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3.7 Summary

  • The main goal of the requirements process is to produce the software requirements specification (SRS) which accurately captures the client’s requirements and which forms the basis of software development and validation.
  • There are three basic activities in the requirements process—problem analysis, specification, and validation. The goal of analysis is to understand the different aspects of the problem, its context, and how it fits within the client’s organization. In requirements specification the understood problem is specified or written, producing the SRS. Requirements validation is done to ensure that the requirements specified in the SRS are indeed what are desired.
  • The key desirable characteristics of an SRS are: correctness, completeness, consistency, unambiguousness, verifiability, and ranked for importance.
  • A good SRS should specify all the functions the software needs to support, performance requirements of the system, the design constraints that exist, and all the external interfaces.
  • Use cases are a popular approach for specifying functional requirements.
  • Each use case specifies the interaction of the system with the primary actor, who initiates the use case for achieving some goal.
  • A use case has a precondition, a normal scenario, as well as many exceptional scenarios, thereby providing the complete behavior of the system. 
  • For developing use cases, first the actors and goal should be identified, then the main success scenarios, then the failure conditions, and finally the failure handling.
  • With data flow diagrams, a system is analyzed from the point of view of how data flows through the system. A DFD consists of processes and data flows through the processes.
  • Omission, incorrect fact, inconsistency, and ambiguity are the most common errors in an SRS. For validation, the most commonly used method is doing a structured group review of the requirements.

3.6 Validation

The development of software starts with a requirements document, which is also used to determine eventually whether or not the delivered software system is acceptable. It is therefore important that the requirements specification contains no errors and specifies the client’s requirements correctly. Furthermore, as the longer an error remains undetected, the greater the cost of correcting it, it is extremely desirable to detect errors in the requirements before the design and development of the software begin.

Due to the nature of the requirements specification phase, there is a lot of room for misunderstanding and committing errors, and it is quite possible that the requirements specification does not accurately represent the client’s needs. The basic objective of the requirements validation activity is to ensure that the SRS reflects the actual requirements accurately and clearly. A related objective is to check that the SRS document is itself of good quality.

3.5.2 ER Diagrams

Entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) have been used for years for modeling the data aspects of a system. An ERD can be used to model the data in the system and how the data items relate to each other, but does not cover how the data is to be processed or how the data is actually manipulated and changed in the system. It is used often by database designers to represent the structure of the database and is a useful tool for analyzing software systems which employ databases. ER models form the logical database design and can be easily converted into initial table structure for a relational database.

ER diagrams have two main concepts and notations to representing them. These are entities and relationships. Entities are the main information holders or concepts in a system. Entities can be viewed as types which describe all elements of some type which have common properties. Entities are represented as boxes in an ER diagram, with a box representing all instances of the concept or type the entity is representing. An entity is essentially equivalent to a table in a database or a sheet in a spreadsheet, with each row representing an instance of this entity. Entities may have attributes, which are properties of the concept being represented. Attributes can be viewed as the columns of the database table and are represented as ellipses attached to the entity. To avoid cluttering, attributes are sometimes not shown in an ER diagram.

3.5.1 Data Flow Diagrams

Data flow diagrams (also called data flow graphs) are commonly used during problem analysis. Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are quite general and are not limited to problem analysis for software requirements specification. They were in use long before the software engineering discipline began. DFDs are very useful in understanding a system and can be effectively used during analysis.

A DFD shows the flow of data through a system. It views a system as a function that transforms the inputs into desired outputs. Any complex system will not perform this transformation in a “single step,” and data will typically undergo a series of transformations before it becomes the output. The DFD aims to capture the transformations that take place within a system to the input data so that eventually the output data is produced. The agent that performs the transformation of data from one state to another is called a process (or a bubble). Thus, a DFD shows the movement of data through the different transformations or processes in the system. The processes are shown by named circles and data flows are represented by named arrows entering or leaving the bubbles. A rectangle represents a source or sink and is a net originator or consumer of data. A source or a sink is typically outside the main system of study. An example of a DFD for a system that pays workers is shown in Figure 3.6.

3.5 Other Approaches for Analysis

The basic aim of problem analysis is to obtain a clear understanding of the needs of the clients and the users, what exactly is desired from the software, and what the constraints on the solution are. Frequently the client and the users do not understand or know all their needs, because the potential of the new system is often not fully appreciated. The analysts have to ensure that the real needs of the clients and the users are uncovered, even if they don’t know them clearly. That is, the analysts are not just collecting and organizing information about the client’s organization and its processes, but they also act as consultants who play an active role of helping the clients and users identify their needs.

The basic principle used in analysis is the same as in any complex task: divide and conquer. That is, partition the problem into subproblems and then try to understand each subproblem and its relationship to other subproblems in an effort to understand the total problem. The concepts of state and projection can sometimes also be used effectively in the partitioning process. A state of a system represents some conditions about the system. Frequently, when using state, a system is first viewed as operating in one of the several possible states, and then a detailed analysis is performed for each state. This approach is sometimes used in real-time software or process-control software.

3.4.4 Developing Use Cases

UCs not only document requirements, as their form is like storytelling and uses text, both of which are easy and natural with different stakeholders, they also are a good medium for discussion and brainstorming. Hence, UCs can also be used for requirements elicitation and problem analysis. While developing use cases, informal or formal models may also be built, though they are not required.

UCs can be evolved in a stepwise refinement manner with each step adding more details. This approach allows UCs to be presented at different levels of abstraction. Though any number of levels of abstraction are possible, four natural levels emerge:

3.4.3 Extensions

Besides specifying the primary actor, its goal, and the success and exceptional scenarios, a use case can also specify a scope. If the system being built has many subsystems, as is often the case, sometimes system use cases may actually be capturing the behavior of some subsystem. In such a situation it is better to specify the scope of that use case as the subsystem. For example, a use case for a system may be log in. Even though this is a part of the system, the interaction of the user with the system described in this use case is limited to the interaction with the “login and authentication” subsystem. If “login and authentication” has been identified as a subsystem or a component, then it is better to specify it as the scope. Generally, a business use case has the enterprise or the organization as the scope; a system use case has the system being built as the scope; and a component use case is where the scope is a subsystem.

3.4.2 Examples

Let us illustrate these concepts with a few use cases, which we will also use to explain other concepts related to use cases. Let us consider that a small on-line auction system is to be built for a university community, called the University Auction System (UAS), through which different members of the university can sell and buy goods. We will assume that there is a separate financial subsystem through which the payments are made and that each buyer and seller has an account in it.

In this system, though we have the same people who might be buying and selling, we have “buyers” and “sellers” as separate logical actors, as both have different goals to achieve. Besides these, the auction system itself is a stakeholder and an actor. The financial system is another. Let us first consider the main use cases of this system—“put an item for auction,” “make a bid,” and “complete an auction.” These use cases are given in Figure 3.4.

3.4.1 Basics

A software system (in our case whose requirements are being uncovered) may be used by many users, or by other systems. In use case terminology, an actor is a person or a system which uses the system for achieving some goal. Note that as an actor interacts for achieving some goal, it is a logical entity that represents a group of users (people or system) who behave in a similar manner. Different actors represent groups with different goals. So, it is better to have a “receiver” and a “sender” actor rather than having a generic “user” actor for a system in which some messages are sent by users and received by some other users.

A primary actor is the main actor that initiates a use case (UC) for achieving a goal, and whose goal satisfaction is the main objective of the use case. The primary actor is a logical concept and though we assume that the primary actor executes the use case, some agent may actually execute it on behalf of the primary actor. For example, a VP may be the primary actor for get sales growth report by region use case, though it may actually be executed by an assistant. We consider the primary actor as the person who actually uses the outcome of the use case and who is the main consumer of the goal. Time-driven trigger is another example of how a use case may be executed on behalf of the primary actor (in this situation the report is generated automatically at some time).

3.4 Functional Specification with Use Cases

Functional requirements often form the core of a requirements document. The traditional approach for specifying functionality is to specify each function that the system should provide. Use cases specify the functionality of a system by specifying the behavior of the system, captured as interactions of the users with the system. Use cases can be used to describe the business processes of the larger business or organization that deploys the software, or it could just describe the behavior of the software system. We will focus on describing the behavior of software systems that are to be built.

Though use cases are primarily for specifying behavior, they can also be used effectively for analysis. Later when we discuss how to develop use cases, we will discuss how they can help in eliciting requirements also.

Use cases drew attention after they were used as part of the object-oriented modeling approach proposed by Jacobson [56]. Due to this connection with an object-oriented approach, use cases are sometimes viewed as part of an object-oriented approach to software development. However, they are a general method for describing the interaction of a system (even non-IT systems). The discussion of use cases here is based on the concepts and processes discussed in [24].

3.3.3 Structure of a Requirements Document

Requirements have to be specified using some specification language. Though formal notations exist for specifying specific properties of the system, natural languages are now most often used for specifying requirements. When formal languages are employed, they are often used to specify particular properties or for specific parts of the system, as part of the overall SRS.

All the requirements for a system, stated using a formal notation or natural language, have to be included in a document that is clear and concise. For this, it is necessary to properly organize the requirements document. Here we discuss the organization based on the IEEE guide to software requirementsspecifications [53].

3.3.2 Components of an SRS

Completeness of specifications is difficult to achieve and even more difficult to verify. Having guidelines about what different things an SRS should specify will help in completely specifying the requirements. The basic issues an SRS must address are:
  • Functionality
  • Performance
  • Design constraints imposed on an implementation
  • External interfaces
Functional requirements specify the expected behavior of the system—which outputs should be produced from the given inputs. They describe the relationship between the input and output of the system. For each functional requirement, a detailed description of all the data inputs and their source, the units of measure, and the range of valid inputs must be specified.

3.3.1 Desirable Characteristics of an SRS

To properly satisfy the basic goals, an SRS should have certain properties and should contain different types of requirements. Some of the desirable characteristics of an SRS are [53]:
  1. Correct
  2. Complete
  3. Unambiguous
  4. Verifiable
  5. Consistent
  6. Ranked for importance and/or stability
An SRS is correct if every requirement included in the SRS represents something required in the final system. It is complete if everything the software is supposed to do and the responses of the software to all classes of input data are specified in the SRS. It is unambiguous if and only if every requirement stated has one and only one interpretation. Requirements are often written in natural language, which is inherently ambiguous. If the requirements are specified in a natural language, the SRS writer has to be especially careful to ensure that there are no ambiguities.

3.3 Requirements Specification

The final output is the SRS document. As analysis precedes specification, the first question that arises is: If formal modeling is done during analysis, why are the outputs of modeling not treated as an SRS? The main reason is that modeling generally focuses on the problem structure, not its external behavior. Consequently, things like user interfaces are rarely modeled, whereas they frequently form a major component of the SRS. Similarly, for ease of modeling, frequently “minor issues” like erroneous situations (e.g., error in output) are rarely modeled properly, whereas in an SRS, behavior under such situations also has to be specified. Similarly, performance constraints, design constraints, standards compliance, recovery, etc., are not included in the model, but must be specified clearly in the SRS because the designer must know about these to properly design the system. It should therefore be clear that the outputs of a model cannot form a desirable SRS.

3.2 Requirement Process

The requirement process is the sequence of activities that need to be performed in the requirements phase and that culminate in producing a high-quality document containing the SRS. The requirements process typically consists of three basic tasks: problem or requirement analysis, requirements specification, and requirements validation.

Problem analysis often starts with a high-level “problem statement.” During analysis the problem domain and the environment are modeled in an effort to understand the system behavior, constraints on the system, its inputs and outputs, etc. The basic purpose of this activity is to obtain a thorough understanding of what the software needs to provide. Frequently, during analysis, the analyst will have a series of meetings with the clients and end users. In the early meetings, the clients and end users will explain to the analyst about their work, their environment, and their needs as they perceive them. Any documents describing the work or the organization may be given, along with outputs of the existing methods of performing the tasks. In these early meetings, the analyst is basically the listener, absorbing the information provided. Once the analyst understands the system to some extent, he uses the next few meetings to seek clarifications of the parts he does not understand. He may document the information or build some models, and he may do some brainstorming or thinking about what the system should do. In the final few meetings, the analyst essentially explains to the client what he understands the system should do and uses the meetings as a means of verifying if what he proposes the system should do is indeed consistent with the objectives of the clients.

3.1 Value of a Good SRS

The origin of most software systems is in the needs of some clients. The software system itself is created by some developers. Finally, the completed system will be used by the end users. Thus, there are three major parties interested in a new system: the client, the developer, and the users. Somehow the requirements for the system that will satisfy the needs of the clients and the concerns of the users have to be communicated to the developer. The problem is that the client usually does not understand software or the software development process, and the developer often does not understand the client’s problem and application area. This causes a communication gap between the parties involved in the development project. A basic purpose of the SRS is to bridge this communication gap so they have a shared vision of the software being built. Hence, one of the main advantages of a good SRS is:
  • An SRS establishes the basis for agreement between the client and the supplier on what the software product will do.
This basis for agreement is frequently formalized into a legal contract between the client (or the customer) and the developer (the supplier). So, through SRS, the client clearly describes what it expects from the supplier, and the developer clearly understands what capabilities to build in the software. A related, but important, advantage is:
  • An SRS provides a reference for validation of the final product.
That is, the SRS helps the client determine if the software meets the requirements. Without a proper SRS, there is no way a client can determine if the software being delivered is what was ordered, and there is no way the developer can convince the client that all the requirements have been fulfilled. Providing the basis of agreement and validation should be strong enough reasons for both the client and the developer to do a thorough and rigorous job of requirement understanding and specification, but there are other very practical and pressing reasons for having a good SRS.

Studies have shown that many errors are made during the requirements phase. And an error in the SRS will manifest itself as an error in the final system implementing the SRS. Clearly, if we want a high-quality end product that has few errors, we must begin with a high-quality SRS. In other words, we can conclude that:
  • A high-quality SRS is a prerequisite to high-quality software.
Finally, the quality of SRS has an impact on cost (and schedule) of the project. We know that errors can exist in the SRS. It is also known that the cost of fixing an error increases almost exponentially as time progresses [10, 12]. Hence, by improving the quality of requirements, we can have a huge savings in the future by having fewer expensive defect removals. In other words,
  • A high-quality SRS reduces the development cost.

3. Software Requirements Analysis and Specification

IEEE defines a requirement as “(1) A condition of capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective; (2) A condition or a capability that must be met or possessed by a system ... to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed document” [53]. Note that in software requirements we are dealing with the requirements of the proposed system, that is, the capabilities that the system, which is yet to be developed, should have.

As we have seen, all development models require requirements to be specified. Approaches like agile require only high-level requirements to be specified in written form—detailed requirements are elicited through interaction with the customer in the iteration the requirement is to be implemented and directly reflected in software. Other approaches prefer that the requirements are specified precisely. In such situations, the goal of the requirements activity is to produce the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) that describes what the proposed software should do without describing how the software will do it.
In this chapter we will discuss:
  • The role of the SRS in a project and the value a good SRS brings to it.
  • The different activities in the process for producing the desired SRS.
  • The desired characteristics of an SRS, the structure of an SRS document, and its key components.
  • The use case approach for analyzing and specifying functional requirements, and how use cases can be developed.
  • Some other approaches for analyzing requirements like the data flow diagram.
  • How requirements are validated.